Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Robot Tool and Safety Meeting

It was hot, but we had fun! At the robot meeting held on August 7, new members showed up at the meeting for the first time. It was a good time to get acquainted with other team members.

The meeting tonight focused on the use of tools, and even more, the SAFE use of tools. Robot Advisor Mr. Abbott went through a list of rules, safetyprocedures, and tools that will be used to build the robot after competition.

The list of rules, the presentation given concerning safety, and other materials will be uploaded by Coach Abbott to the Files area.

Rules concerning safety include:

No horseplay will be tolerated.
Wear safety glasses at all times.
No loose-fitting clothing or open-toed shoes.

Unplug power tools when not in use, and don't plug them in without permission.

Afterwards, the students started constructing either a sword or a dagger from wood, using written plans and templates.

Mr. Abbott stressed the importance of making clearly labeled drawings and accurate instructions before constructing the swords and daggers.

The coaches would like to thank the dads who participated and helped the student familiarize themselves with the tools.

Parents were reminded to please bring their own lawn chairs on garage nights, since there are no extra chairs at the meeting.

In addition, Technical Notebook Coach Mrs. McDonald stressed that in order to participate in the robot meetings, students must first turn in their writing homework via the internet. Writing is important! Planning is important!!!

Scrapbook pages were distributed by Coach Abbott, and each student was asked to create a page and return it by the next meeting time on Friday. Color this time - Purple!